

12.31.02 - Don't flick the boogies
12.30.02 - Come hither, my forbidden
12.29.02 - Ms. SBD if you're nasty
12.28.02 - The Meaning of Life
12.27.02 - Are Raelians the people we really want to reproduce?
12.26.02 - The one in which I curse. A lot.
12.24.02 - The Gods Smile Upon Me
12.24.02 - Merry F'ing Christmas
12.22.02 - Where I was raised
12.22.02 - Yawnnnnn
12.21.02 - The psychiatrist is: out
12.19.02 - It isn't so mysterious
12.18.02 - You'll never guess
12.18.02 - Regarding the matter of my hair
12.17.02 - There should be a law requiring men to all be like this - except it should be over me
12.17.02 - Hirsutism and cookie dough
12.17.02 - Kookies
12.16.02 - Just another missed opportunity
12.16.02 - I'm drunk and feeling gooooddddd.
12.15.02 - The one where I fret about my future
12.15.02 - Gypsy
12.14.02 - Recess at the Playhouse
12.12.02 - X rating
12.11.02 - Who died and made me Emily Post?
12.10.02 - BDL
12.09.02 - On things kosher
12.09.02 - Reading is cool
12.08.02 - Paula rocks
12.08.02 - Advice, please
12.07.02 - I'm still sick
12.06.02 - I'm sick
12.04.02 - Freak Show
12.03.02 - TV Life
12.02.02 - The Oscar Meyer Song
12.01.02 - Jacks and Cracks
11.30.02 - Another shopping crisis averted
11.28.02 - Even on the bad days...
11.28.02 - 1991
11.26.02 - One day soon I will rant about this topic
11.25.02 - Always a bride's maid
11.25.02 - Friends don't let friends be asses.
11.23.02 - Thems were the days
11.23.02 - Googles
11.23.02 - I may wish to be a Cleaver, but being an Ingall's would suck
11.22.02 - --- Blah ---
11.22.02 - Why yes, I would like fries with this
11.22.02 - Doctors and lawyers and brains, oh my!
11.20.02 - Get down tonight
11.20.02 - Wednesday Random
11.19.02 - I'm not angry , I'm just setting it straight
11.18.02 - When sbd gets angry, this is what it looks like
11.16.02 - Life as a country song
11.15.02 - Screws and loops
11.14.02 - A long road to ho
11.14.02 - Like sands in the hourglass
01.05.03 - The (apparently obligatory) Disclaimer
11.13.02 - She wants you to help her leave her husband.
11.13.02 - Soup for everyone!
11.12.02 - All the cool kids are doing it
11.11.02 - and Job thought he was tested
11.10.02 - The vest of my love
11.09.02 - Munster do's and dying
11.06.02 - Edible men
11.05.02 - Drive-by entry
11.04.02 - Willkommen (but I liked Mein Herr better)
11.04.02 - Big Head Reconsideration
11.02.02 - 10 Ways to Dump Your Girlfriend
11.02.02 - Vaseline and Omnipotence
11.02.02 - I'm off to the Islands
12.21.02 - Incarnations
11.01.02 - Traders, unleased
11.01.02 - This is ungodly
10.31.02 - Ho ho ho. Oh wait...
10.30.02 - Things are Happening
10.30.02 - Sweet and Sour Fingers
10.29.02 - Good times
10.28.02 - The Story of One Very Angry Woman
10.27.02 - He's too pretty
10.27.02 - Garofalove
10.26.02 - Winging it
Friday, Oct. 25, 2002 - My Diaryland Trading Card
10.25.02 - Passing Pieces
10.24.02 - There are no short descriptions sometimes
10.23.02 - Stress venting.
10.22.02 - Come All Ye Jesus Freaks
10.21.02 - History is a hoot, isn't it?
10.21.02 - Sam tried to kiss me
10.20.02 - Lewis & Clark Caverns
10.19.02 - I'm gonna go to college & Bush is a sodomite
10.18.02 - The descent into dependence
10.18.02 - Pavlov vs. National Lampoon
10.18.02 - Not much ellipse really.
10.17.02 - You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
10.16.02 - The price of family: 62 dollars
10.15.02 - Rat bastards.
10.15.02 - Got gas?
10.14.02 - Ebay, screenplays and a dead car
10.13.02 - Flock of Seagulls
10.13.02 - Unambivalence and the Ceramic Elvis
10.11.02 - FBODG and the Hajj
10.09.02 - Get Rael
10.07.02 - I'm sooooo bored
10.07.02 - A Drug Czar named Rico
10.06.02 - I Am Victorious
10.05.02 - Puke for Peace
10.05.02 - MoLib
10.04.02 - Interviews suck
10.03.02 - Swank and trendy
10.02.02 - Insecurity gets the better
10.01.02 - Brittany can't touch this
09.30.02 - And on and on, and on and on
09.29.02 - Is Marriage Anti-Feminist?
09.29.02 - Check it
09.28.02 - Foul foul foul
09.28.02 - Don't take the red one, Neo
09.27.02 - The skinny on the big bad ugly
09.27.02 - I'm loaded, watch me roar.
09.26.02 - I'm already bored and it's only been 4 hours
09.26.02 - Her name was Areola, she was transgendered
09.25.02 - Gimme a break (at least one per day, thanks)
09.24.02 - I have tales. Tales to remember
09.23.02 - Boys, boys, boys.
09.22.02 - Oh to be an unshaved German woman named Margret
09.22.02 - Who's yo mama?
09.22.02 - Cleavering it, breakfast style
09.21.02 - The monsters inside my head should very much just stay there
09.21.02 - You so crazy, SBD
09.20.02 - -
09.19.02 - 12 Step to Stepford Status
09.18.02 - So Unfair
09.17.02 - Life's a Ball (of the swedish persuasion)
09.17.02 - The Hypo of my dreams
09.16.02 - Don't call her a doormat
09.16.02 - Make no mistake...
09.15.02 - What's found in a cedar chest
09.13.02 - Oh, my nerves
09.13.02 - a trite dedication to my friends
09.12.02 - Bardo this
09.12.02 - Damned public school's turning into a consumerism billboard
09.11.02 - Old hippies need love too
09.10.02 - Sir, I say - back AWAY from that book!
09.10.02 - The Commercialization of Tragedy
09.09.02 - Testing 123... Roger?
09.08.02 - I'm melting & I can't think of an apt title
09.08.02 - Rabble Scrabble HTML
09.08.02 - Memory Lane
- links
09.06.02 - Nothing wrong with a little New Age
09.06.02 - The Lord's Other Gospel
09.05.02 - When life presents...
09.04.02 - I got yo bitch, sucka
09.04.02 - L is for LOVE
09.03.02 - Have you seen my idiot?
09.02.02 - My own end of the season
09.02.02 - Hollywood Lies
09.01.02 - Stating it how it is
08.31.02 - Wanna see where I live?
08.31.02 - Deception Pass
08.31.02 - Beware of the nose hair
08.29.02 - Manuever this
08.28.02 - A Survey
08.28.02 - Sometimes it is possible to be too right
08.28.02 - Inheritted furniture and green velour
08.27.02 - The Lackey Stops Here
08.26.02 - I'm Testy
08.24.02 - President in the Making
08.24.02 - The Gen-i-oos Returns
08.23.02 - So many angels in this world
08.22.02 - All about the Get-toe
08.20.02 - Meatloaf madness, Mimi Bobeck gift sets & 101 stupid ways to get yourself killed
08.19.02 - Steven King, hamster wheels & sore breasts
08.18.02 - Only on a Sunday
08.17.02 - The I Love You Game
08.16.02 - I am Oracle
08.16.02 - Rational Unacceptance of Irrationality
08.15.02 - Get the log out of your eye, blind woman
08.15.02 - Check and Balance or Invasion of Privacy?
08.14.02 - She had me with her loot
08.14.02 - Onward into therapy lightly, part II
08.14.02 - Onward into therapy lightly
08.13.02 - Service Announcement
08.13.02 - A bedtime story
08.13.02 - I could never be a Muslim...
08.12.02 - Ye Yo
08.11.02 - Do you hear what I hear?
08.10.02 - I didn't analyse. I crystalized
08.10.02 - Saturday leisure
08.09.02 - Whoa, the gods are raging wantons
08.09.02 - Somebody just got busted
08.08.02 - Of all the things...
08.08.02 - Somebody keep me
08.07.02 - Today the grass was greener
08.06.02 - Keeling Somebody
08.05.02 - It's a banner!
08.05.02 - Short Skirts
08.04.02 - how my garden grows
08.04.02 - Egg fu yung
08.03.02 - Put on your red dress and dance the blues
08.02.02 - Ain't it sweet
08.01.02 - Have you seen my brain?
07.31.02 - Society doesn't suck all the time.
07.30.02 - JD's Elucidations: A Letter to the Editor
07.30.02 - The Man Hunt Has Begun
07.29.02 - I'm Picard!
07.29.02 - Everybody... Salsa!
07.29.02 - Eating cake as the Bastille gets stormed
07.28.02 - Redrum, Redrum!
07.28.02 - Landmark Moments Gone Wrong
07.27.02 - Vampiric bastards getting the hook up
07.26.02 - So soon the flower of novelty withers
07.25.02 - "I see naked people...everywhere"
7.24.02 - The first entry

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