
Swank and trendy

Many big thanks to your fine chicks out there that sent me happy good karma vibes and love in the gb yesterday. I love you guys.

So it appears that the interview has been scheduled for tomorrow, bright and early at 8 a.m. Which would be fine if any of the following did not happen tonight:

1. The power went out for two hours at my house tonight.

2. The phone line, which I was dutifully leaving open, tweaked when the power went out. And for some strange reason I can now access the internet, but still have no dial tone on the phone. Hmm.

3. I couldn't contact all the beautiful people who agreed to reference me. You see, I was waiting on their calls when the power went out. And now I have no phone. Double hmmm.

I am woefully unprepared to interview/test tomorrow morning. Can you say the gods have destined this to failure? Well you'd be wrong I tell you. Wrong! I will find a way.





So I went to the Fred Meyers (that, for you guys out there unlucky enough to be missing out, is the local equivalent to K Mart/Walmart here in the Pacific Northwest) to hunt down the endangered species that is... a battery operated alarm clock. You know, so I can be perky and charming for this bright and early interview. Instead, I found a 24" TV/DVD/VCR combo for a very reasonable $350. To further my drool fest, I stumbled as if in hypnotic trance upon the marvel that is the flat screen computer monitor. $499. Swoon.

Also ogled by mine eyes was a Copier/Fax/Scanner/Printer for $99. How many times, I ask you, do you wake at 3 in the morning yearning to make a photocopy? Me too! Amazing, no? I tell you, nothing beats having a copier of your very own sitting on your desk. Talk about swank.

Of course, being the reasonable person that I am, I just ogled. For shame on me. If I'd gone next Tuesday (which is brokenese for PAYDAY), I'd be setting up my very own home office/entertainment station right now, rather than blathering to you about all the electronic gadgits I covet.

Anyway, while dutifully staying offline, I read my buddylist. Yes, I can too do that offline. I wanted to leave some gb love for you all but couldn't owing to my stated and attested to offline status. Anyway, I'll just leave my love here for you to find. Consider it as you would a tender note left by your lover(s), tucked in unexpected places for you to discover.

Yarrow Bay is gorgeous! I spent my teenaged years combing and cruising the beaches on the Ave there. Still go there when window shopping the swank designer shops. Do you micro brew?

Muchos besos for the gb love, darling. And most excellent vibes to you with your reading tonight. Is there any chance we will get to see your work?

Your new design is lovely. You better watch out though. Soon you will be swimming in more requests for your work than you'll know what to do with!

While further stalking you, I saw that one of the places you wish to visit is in my city. I'm assuming you wish to visit Cobain's grave? I have inside stories about his cult following, you know. That's what happens when you work at the morgue. Oh. And did you know that Hendrix is buried in my hood too? Now I'm not presuming that you're into psychadelic funk/rock, but yeah. You know. We're the trendy place to bury your OD'ed/suicided rock stars.

I know there was more love earlier today. I can't seem to remember now though. Anyway, if I missed you, just know that it was the damned power company to blame.

Now I must be off to print out some resumes and fake some references. See you on the flip side.

8:31 pm - 10.03.02
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