
Winter Blue and Cocoa Blush

It's raining tonight, and I'm fighting the urge to nuzzle down into the comfortable cushion of melancholy. Oh, winter, why don't we burn more fossil fuels and do away with you?

Over the last month we have hired eight new employees. Six of them have mastered all their basics and are working on their own. Two of them remain, and for very good reasons. I am a stickler, moreso than my bosses, but I do it for a reason. You can act too quickly with some and tell them they are successful, and then you can spend year after year dealing with their issues because they haven't mastered the skills. That's the bosses' way.

The alternative is to be finicky up front and steadily teach them everything. And then you patiently repeat, repeat, repeat until they show consistent mastery. That way you spend year after year praising their good work. That's my way.

Some trainee's don't get it. And they get frustrated. And they feel crushed. Sometimes they cry. Sometimes they wash out.

Today all three happened, and I spent half my day reeling from being likened to the abusive boyfriend who broke a girl's spirit, to assuaging her fear and anger at being escalated to Improve or Get Out by the boss.

And the funny thing is, I'm not mean.

In other news -- Coworker was closeted away with the bosses for two hours this morning. I think she got the Improve or Get Out talk too. She's been fucking shit up for the company since 2003. Smeared mascara was noted.

I hid.

Life is so hectic right now. Three birthdays, one holiday, car tabs due, two 45-minute presentations to prepare, and a comprehensive analysis of the interconnectivity of my position in relation to the rest of the office staff for an all-day off-site meeting. All in the next two weeks. On top of my regular duties. /tilt.

SIL is in the mortgage industry. Yesterday she lost her job for the 4th time in ... what? 8 months? Something like that. Bro is in new-home construction and has been informed that come November, his company will be evaluating it's staffing.

Life is crazy, darlings. Enjoy the little pieces you can.

Scene from The Musical:
written and performed by D00d & SBD

Bob got a letter in the mail from the "Department of Revenue", but the letterhead looked like it was drawn with Cocoa Blush liquid eyeliner by Maybelline and Desert Rose Moisturizing Lip Balm with Glitter by Easy, Breezy, Beautiful, Cover Girl. He was a little skeptical but how could he refute the veracity of the promise of a $78,000,000.00 check that would be forthcoming as soon as he moved to Der de Der, Alabama? Of course, Bob thought it was a little strange that the envelope was postmarked Puyallup, but Puyallup's close to Olympia, right?

Needless to say, Bob hadn't been able to sleep in two whole days. Whatever would he do without his Carmencita asking him if the wind blew or sucked in Canada? The thought of leaving her tore at him, but he took solace that she would be fulfilling her lifelong dream of hiking up her habit to mount her Amish Jew for Jesus carriage and feeling the wind in her hair as she spurred the geldings into furious lathers of daring and dangerous speed. Deep in his heart, Bob knew Carmencita's heart would carry on as surely as Kate Winslet's old lady boobs drooped off the bow of the raised Titanic as she leaned over the ocean to release the Heart of the Sea.

With that clear and reassuring image resounding in Bob's mind, he squared his shoulders and dried his tears, and began to pack his bags for Bama . . .

5:56 pm - 10.17.08
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