

Loves, I am so entirely burned out from Le Job. Y-U-C-K, as we do in the biz. That's called stitching. I shall share one small tidbit with you, darlings. When you type on production, having to stop and hit that effing hyphen between every letter is a pain in the arse.

I finally got 3.5 of my 5 trainees off QC, which has saved me HUGE stress. I tell ya though, as awful of a person as this makes me, I sooooo want the Boss to fire the 1 of the remaining 1.5 transcriptionists. I'm truly, deeply, irrevocably sorry, but this girl has spent 4 years of her life in court reporting school, and still cannot compose a sentence or use any amount of common sense to determine if what she's hearing makes any kind of logical sense. She simply does not have the aptitude for this profession. Therefore, she submits work that contains stupid stuff like, "My license plate number is T as in Texas, O as in Texas, 46932."

O as in fucking Texas, dude??? Are you SERIOUS?!? Just TRY and tell me where the fucking O is in word, Texas. HONESTLY.

Old girl, who was my best work buddy from back in the day, who left the QC position (and subsequently the company) that I currently hold, called last Friday night. I shared with her a secret. I said, "Dude, honestly. Boss came into my office last week and totally said, 'SBD, I'm worried about you,' because her office is right next to my office, and she hears me groaning ALL DAY LONG."

There is a word for what they think of me: AFFLICTED. I can't blame them, what with the eye twitching and spontaneous cursing, it was bound to come to this.

In other work-related news, I cannot even begin to explain how much I loathe having to train 5 people at a time. There is never a moment down. Every need is immediately pressing, there is NEVER a second to breathe let alone perform performance reviews (of which I have 60 to complete in the next month), or payscale increase reviews, or even the fun stuff like writing for the quarterly newsletter or even working on Continuing Education course development. You know, the part of my job that allows me to think and create and write.

No, all I have time for is regurgitating the rules and standards as written in lengthy detail in the Guide, which every blessed trainee is given a 6-hour training course on as well as a .pdf and a hardcopy. HELLO! Use your freaking ability to READ, you lazy ass! And isweartogod, if I have to tell you one more time that you do not place a period before the speaker utters the sentence's predicate, I will cut your eyeball out with a salt spoon and stuff it down your dumb hole.

** Vacation, all I ever wanted. **


L-O-V-E is a much funner topic to ponder, isn't it? Inc. accompanied me as my escort to a family function this past weekend.

Do you know, I am 35 years old, and I have NEVER to date brought a boy to a family function? This is the very first time in recorded history. Mostly that was due to the fact that he's the first white guy I've dated in, oh, 18 years and my stepfather is a radical right-wing racist. But still. Tres wonderful getting to incorporate my personal life with my family life. I am sighing deeply at the wonderfulness of incorporation.

Funny, because the function was the 40th birthday party for a the daughter of family friends. These are people who we've shared 20-plus years of holidays with, ever since I was in junior high. And the funny part is, Inc.'s 17-year-old son, who was not in attendance, turns out to be a good friend of Birthday Girl's 17-year-old daughter. So it's almost like he's already part of the family. We walked in and don't you know, B-day Girl, mother and her daughter all exclaimed, "What are YOU doing here!" Turns out they're practically neighbors and the daughter has even been over to Inc's house.


But Inc, the kids and I are going on vacation together in August. We shall spend five glorious days traveling here:

the Oregon Coast

and here:

Crater Lake, Oregon

with nothing but a tent and some hotdogs. I cannot even begin to wait.

Inc has taken a fancy to laughing at me, because as soon as we decided to go, I drafted up an itinerary, expense proposal, and reservation calendar. Shut up. Nothing says buzz kill like driving in the car for 5 hours (zzz) and finding out the campground is full. I want F-U-N, not otherwise.

Did I share, babies, that our word is 'funner'? It's not a real word, but it totally fits what we have whenever we're together. See?

Inc & SBD totally having funner at the Red Elvises concert

5:51 pm - 07.21.08
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