
Cover it before you get dropped on it, Sister

Dear New Girl (who isn't really the "new girl" anymore, but she will always be New Girl to me),

I would just like to take a moment to let you know, I really am just about *thisclose* to kicking your always-been-pampered-so-sickeningly-sweet-I-could-puke ass all the way back to How Not To Piss Off Coworkers Who Do You Favors 101. I am also just about *thisclose* to bitch slapping some freaking manners into your if-I-bat-my-eyelashes-and-coo-ever-so-innocently-I-know-you-will-eat-up-all-the-bullshit-excuses-I-can-feed-you head.

You see, New Girl, I realize that you might have gotten the impression that I am a push over way back in the day when you were finishing school and I covered your closing shift hours twice a week. Let me just free you from that nasty little delusion right now. I am not now, nor have I ever been, your personal pawn, lackie, scapegoat, stoog or gopher. As a matter of fact, I am your senior in more ways than one. And all this BS you have been pulling for the last month? You know, like feigning migraines to get the afternoon off for your wedding invitation stuff and lick parties, or feigning a migraine to sleep in and spend the morning sexing up your new husband, or taking off early because you want to either: 1. get home early to prepare for your Bible Scrabble party, or 2. Prepare dinner before your husband gets home - That shit ain't flying, Little Sister. As it is, we have had to revoke you the priviledge of working the early shift because you can never seem to work a full week. And I am truly sorry about that, especially considering I requested (and was denied) that shift so I would be able to make it home before 7 p.m. to care for and feed my CHILD.

And I know it must be very tempting to play all sweet on the outside and passive aggressive on the inside by saying you are sick just in time to take that early bus home as you're used to, but I will not be covering your ass anymore. I bet you rationalize using me as your personal cover by telling yourself that I like the overtime. Well, let me tell you a secret, little girl. I work the 8:30 to 5:00 shift. That is MY shift, it always has been and I am not giving it up to you now or any time in the near or distant future. And I may occasionally work until 5:45, but it is on days of MY choosing, and it is for reasons that do not pertain to you or your little "Barbie playing house as June Cleaver meets Betty Crocker" world. But just to satisfy and edify your puky little self, I work that overtime to cover for the hours I miss when I take my kid to his therapist. I work those hours to cover my rent. I work those hours so I have just a little left over to maybe go to a movie every now and then. I do NOT work it to: cover you so you can go play during the hours you agreed to spend at work as a condition of your hire OR go and play during hours I agreed to work as a condition of my hire.

And you should also know, your absences do not go unnoticed. Every time you leave, it is documented and discussed by management. You had best be watching your step there, Barbie, before you realize what it means to be forced into housewife status before you even get to move into the Dream Home.

And I'm not covering your ass anymore.

Yours in sincerest admiration and affection,

SBD, Big Bad Bitch with Attitude

6:36 pm - 10.11.04
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