
The return of the S to the BD

Hey! What is that sound? Lordamercy - it is the harkening of the angels who have at last replaced my broke-down computer monitor with a lovely NEW monitor! Aahhhhhlehujah! Thank God. I was dying here. Do you realize I was without computer for 11 days? Eleven days without updating, eleven days without reading up with what's going down in the lives of all the cool kids, eleven days without checking my bank account, IMing with anyone, OR listening to any of my playlists. That is unprecidented in all the history of me and this crappy old computer. And look, in my absence you lovely people left me fabulous messages and I have just now received them. Thank you, babies.

Well now. Let's see. Shall we catch up? Last we spoke, it was Steven's 8th birthday and we were getting ready to head out camping - which we did and it was loads of fun. We got to Dosewallips State Park in the Hood Canal region of good ole WA state late Friday afternoon. So, we set up camp just in time of the sun to set and got to watch that whilst lounging on nice comfy flood-deposited boulders next to the river. Then the Good Neighbor (who accompanied us with her daughters) built a fire in like 10 seconds or some equally ridiculously efficient amount of time.

We were all duly impressed.

So, we popped some papas in the fire for baked spuds and skewered up some steak, cracked some Smirnoff Ices and hunted for more fire wood. Then we read some stories until it was too dark to see a damn thing - owing to the lanterns we'd brought not working and all.

In the morning we woke to a deluge that kept the five of us in the tent until none of us could stand it anymore, what with the kids bickering and fighting and generally causing the GN and I to seriously contemplate citing dingo attacks as the reason why we would return home with three less people than we departed with. Hell AND high water came, but we were having none of it and instead set out for the beach, where we learned that those nasty looking clumps of yellow rocks that littered 20 miles of shoreline were, in fact, oyster beds, and that beneath, above, and around them were mud puppies spawning, 5 species of crablings scurrying, star fishes, clams and mussels. AND we got to see a pair of bald eagles doing their courtship dance. Muy interesante y divertido!

Yeah. Then we broke camp and went home. Upon returning to the east side of the Sound, we encountered a thing we had not seen in the entire time on the west - the sun. We were delighted and overjoyed - until we hit the weekend traffic in Tacoma that had us bustling along at a staggering 15 mph. Thank goodness that the bungy cords on the roof of the station wagon broke just as we cleared that whole mess, because lord knows losing the crate of dried goods and supplies all over I-5 was just the finale I was looking for. Sorry, every other driver behind me for the next five hours. Yeah, I saw you on the news, backed up and cursing. Mi aculpa. Sorry. Yes. I know. I suck and so will all my progeny for the next five generations. Curses on me. I got it.

Which, come to think of it, is probably why the color tube in my monitor died and I suffered intolerably for 11 days without any form of electronic entertainment.

Let's see, what else?

OH! My 3.5 year stint of sexlessness is over. Heaven and all the saints, child. What a relief. I damn near imploded from the absence of naked frollicking. I would say it was the best damn sex I ever had, but... yeah. I'd be lying. But as I figure, after 3.5 years, who am I to complain?

The Man and I went out Friday for a beer and some music, whereupon he introduced me to a 15-person-thick posse of his peoples who, by chance, were also there. So our quiet evening sipping a beer turned out to be party full with smack-talking dart games (score: 1 for 2, home team) and drunken dance floor escapades. The Man, through the majority of the night, stayed huddled up with his arm alternately resting nonchalantly over my shoulder or wrapped around my hip, which was all very sweet, I'm sure. I had to query, however, if he was somehow marking his territory. Yes, he says. Well, that's just fine, baby. Just don't piss on my leg and you'll be just fine.

Then we went home and got nekkid!

Anyways. I have this problem, see. It seems that the Man has memory issues. As it happens, he used to date a girl by the name of Good Nighbor, whose sister happened to also be named SBD. So, when he is talking with me, he occasionally calls me Good Neighbor.

I don't like that shit, not one little bit.

Then yesterday he was telling me that the night we met, he was originally interested in the GN and wasn't going to talk with me at all. But then his friend started talking with the GN, so he left her alone and introduced himself to me.

Ah, but what girl doesn't just LOVE hearing she's someone's second choice - especially when that someone sometimes calls her by Choice #1's name?

I hate that shit.

And that is really it, besides work - where our newest addition to the transcriptionist/secretary pool (hired only seven weeks ago) wigged out and started a hallway screaming tirade directed at the boss Friday, then threw a stack of paperwork down on her desk, declared herself suffering from a work-induced migraine, and informed the office that she was going home at 10 a.m. The Boss told her if she left, she would not be returning Tuesday. New Girl said, Oh yes. I will. So the boss drafted her termination letter and we will not be seeing New Girl nomore nomore nomorenomore. Heh. FREAK! So the boss and I put in a half-day Saturday, and the Director is getting the rest of the secretarial staff massages Tuesday. Yey, free massage!

And that is really it. The Man has informed us that he will be taking us out for dinner tomorrow night, and has asked what size shoe Steven wears, as apparently he feels two pairs of shoes are not enough for a young man to have. Therefore, we will apparently be shopping after dinner. Isn't that sweet? So, we shall see. But now I must be off to shower, as the Man will be arriving shortly, and I must take him to Radio Shack for wires and supplies for my new Kenwood home speakers! I am ever so excited to hook them up and rock the neighborhood with my bumping new system.

Did I mention, the Man is a DJ on the side? I'm looking very much forward to the music hook-up.

Oh, and finally. Want to hear a funny? The GN was just notified that she has been approved for the FHA first time homebuyer's reduced-whatever mortgage and subsidy, so she will be moving out of here soon. So the Man asked if she owned the trailer she is currently residing in. I didn't know for sure, but he has indicated that if she does, he might be interested in making a purchase of his own. Hehe. He loooovvvveeessss me. He wants to move here and be close to me. How freaky/scary/weird/sweet is that? He's so funny. That must be why I kinda like him, too. Never a dull moment.

10:44 am - 05.31.04
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