
A list, or two.

Tired and totally lacking in anything even marginally resembling creativity, I bring you, The List.

Good Stuff of Late

1. Sunday, the child and his grandparents met me at the local Jack in the Box for breakfast.

2. The Child ran in with a big balloon and a flowering house plant and said, "Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you! I asked grandma if we could blindfold you so we could surprise you by taking you to the aquarium! Wanna go? Grandma doesn't want to go, but you want to spend your birthday at the aquarium with me?"

He's so entirely sweet, it would be impossible to love him more than this.

3. However, we did not partake of the aquarium. Instead we ventured off to the zoo and spent the entire afternoon climbing trees and taking pictures and laying in the grass deciding what the clouds resembled.

Sadly, Steven did not get to take what was to be his last ride on the ponies at the petting zoo. He got big before either of us were ready. =(

We did, however, get to be the first to find the wandering peacock, and got great pictures, too!

4. This week also saw our at-home interview the Big Brothers/Big Sisters. We discussed what the program entailed and the lovely Beth informed us that, rather than having to wait years on end for a Big, there is a man whom she currently has in mind for Steven. She is going to be talking with him this week and if all goes well, we may be hearing from her next week to schedule the meeting of the Big and the Little.

5. While at the zoo, Steven and I met a gorgeous peregrine falcon - which brought to my mind a favorite story from my childhood. Thusly thinking to share a wonderfully imaginative story with the kid, I dutifully went to Amazon to find and purchase it, when lo! There it was; only, it was a trilogy now! It just arrive tonight, so guess what we're gonna be doing this spring/summer?

And speaking of peregrines, did you know that they are the fastest animal on earth? In a dive, peregrines have been clocked at 240+ mph. Amazing, no?

6. Steven also met with his new counselor for the first time this week. When asked what he would like to work with her on, he detailed his temper. When asked about why he has had such a hard time focusing in class, he cited that its because he often thinks and fantasizes about his father, who, to hear Steven tell it, left us when he was a baby. Not entirely accurate but close enough I suppose, if you happen to be a nearly 8-year-old boy who aches from the conspicuous absence. Talk about being gut-punched. They will be meeting weekly (the kid and the counselor, that is). This, in conjunction with getting a Big Brother, I hope will bring him a level of acceptance of the reality our little family lives with. And a whole lot of happiness, too.

7. Given the fact that the child will soon be having his own birthday, and the fact that this summer will be the child's first mini summer vacation away from home with his grandparents, we've decided to wind up the season with a three-day weekend camping vacation! We will be celebrating here, and will be staying in a platform tent! Tres fun! For two days, we will hike and swim and fish, and BBQ and tell ghost stories!

And just because I am me, and would not be me without at least one bitch, I bring you, The Bad:

1. Busy Body Coworker: I humbly (or not so humbly) invite your to take your semicolon and not so gently ram it up your ass. That is, after you pull your head hencefrom.

When a semicolon is used as a separator inside a single complex sentence, it IS NOT EITHER classified as "a mini sentence". Stupid wench. And yes, you DO SO use a conjunction (an "and") in conjunction with a semicolon prior to listing the final item in the series. Stupid.

Oh, and another thing? When a series of adjectives preceeds a compound noun, the proper way to punctuate is to NOT insert a comma before the first word of the compound. Have you ever punctuated as follows: "She was a big, fat, ignorant, Old, Lady"? No. You punctuate thusly, "She was a big, fat, ignorant Old Lady". See the difference? Do you see, you self-perfect freak of nature?

And no. Compound nouns DO NOT have to be single words run together. They can, indeed, be either two words separated with a space, two words separated with a hyphen, or just one word run together.

Stupid freaking Busy Body Coworker. I would print her out these rules (as I have in the past, just to demonstrate to her that when she ever so kindly brings me her "corrections" of my transcripts that I do, indeed, have a freaking clue how to do my job properly without her guidance) but the bitch completely disregards both my personal assertions of the veracity of the preceeding, but also disregards the print outs from the American Association of Medical Transcription, the industry's gold standard, as well as other nationally recognized editing organizations.

That cow.

Bend like a willow. Be a duck and let it all roll off. Right? Right.

Kind of.

Stupid cow bitch whore wench. Gah! I hate her!!!!!!!

6:57 pm - 04.22.04
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