
The weekend, in brief

No major partying was had this weekend, darlings. This is both a good and a bad thing.

On the one hand, my redecorating project got completed, my house got a thorough cleaning, and the kid and I got in an hour of learning the ins and outs of playing Pokemon Blue Sapphire on the gameboy.

On the other hand, well, the only socializing that happened out of the full dance card of weekend activities occurred in the form of a too-brief trip to the salon with mrs-roboto.

The Stalker never did call to firm up movie plans, which is fine. As The Stalker, I think it is inherently understood there are no vested or legitimate emotions happening there on my part. Nor his, I would have to surmise at this point. The Good Neighbor and I then planned a night of Red Dragon and homemade spaghetti (with a nice Chianti), which then fell through when her cousins came up last minute for the evening. I declined her offer to join them, but did agree to letting Steven stay for a sleep over.

When I returned home, the plan was to throw on some Macy Gray, brew a pot of coffee and build the new entertainment center purchased Saturday morning. With that in progress, I punched up Marcus's number (he gave it to me Friday!) for a quick hello. His chivalrous side made an appearance again when he learned of the evening's to-dos. "Wow, won't it be hard, putting it together yourself? Won't it be heavy? Wouldn't it be easier if you had help holding the pieces and stuff?" So I said, "Well, what are you waiting for? Why aren't you here helping?"

"Of course. All you had to do was ask!" So he said he'd go pick up his roommate from the bus and call me for directions when he got back home.

At this point, that tried and true PANIC! button was doing it's typical weee-ahh-weee-ahh-wee-ahh! DangerDanger! thing. So I set out cleaning. First all the dishes. No call. Then the toilet and the tub. Oh, what the heck - why not just break out the Soft Scrub and get the counters and Windex the mirror and all the handles and knobs, too? No call. I then made the bed, folded the three loads of laundry in the room, and dusted the house. Hmm. Is the phone working? Maybe I should call and see if we're still on.

Answering machine. Nobody home.

So I built the entertainment center myself. And as it turns out, going the step by step intruction route would have left very little room for the assistance of a second person after all. A little company though... that could have been a very nice thing.

Three date plans and no dates.

Oh well. Someone told me once that I'm too independent for my own good. I highly doubt this as a true statement, but as I sat there between the pressboard planks and the screws, I thought, "Well it would appear that being independent is a good thing. If I didn't do it myself, who exactly else is around, willing, OR able to do it for me?"

So, I don't know. My "skittish/scarred/angry" side wants to say I need to blow Marcus off now because he couldn't be bothered to show me the courtesy of a phone call cancel. My "healthy/balanced" side wants to say, "Don't jump to conclusions. Maybe he had a good reason for not coming by. Give him a chance to explain, if that's something he feels compelled to do."

Bah. These are prime examples of why I don't ever do this type of thing.

Whatever, dudes.

8:31 pm - 04.06.03
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