
Woot, turkey soup and sex. Don't hate me because I'm horny.

Wow, but I haven't updated in ages. Sorry, one dude who reads me anymore. I haven't really had a lot to say.

So lemme see, lemme see. I had me a date last Wednesday. He has the coolest name on the planet, but I can't tell you what it is, because that's just not right. Suffice it to say, it's straight from classic rock. He's coming over tonight for homemade roast turkey soup and a movie. He's bringing the movie, but that's probably because I told him I just went to the library and picked up Mystic Islam for tonight's video enjoyment.

What else? Um, I finished the annual reviews for work. Yee-haw! God, you have no idea how much I wanted shoot myself in the head by the end of those bad boys. Now I'm moving on to updating the procedure manual for 2008. So much has changed at work in the last few months. I swear, you cannot even recognize the place. The entire manual needs to be rewritten.

New Guy in Production came into my office last week to ask about a procedure and saw me. He said, "Is that your baby?"

"Yes, it is. But Boss has veto power, so I'm just Bill at this point." You know, in the School House Rock sense.

I hate Middle Manager in Training, by the way. I've decided this after much careful deliberation following our company holiday party last weekend, whence he RSVPed that he'd help set up, but didn't show until the party started. He couldn't even be bothered to say hello to me, but spent the remainder of the night glued to the CEO's ass. THEN at closing time, when we were all to take something out to the van, he grabbed the ONE item that had wheels, leaving the heavy linens and boxes and such to the women and old people. THEN he calls in sick two days in a row, leaving me to do his job while he was home jacking off to Jerry Springer, only to come back to the office and ask why his job wasn't done to his satisfaction.

"Well, gee, MMIT, I was busy trying to do two jobs for a couple days. Sorry I didn't live up to your exacting standards there." Meanwhile, I had to trip over the boxes he's responsible for putting in the storage room that have been sitting out for two weeks.

Ho hum, fuck 'em. That's what I say, and said quite diplomatically when he questioned me about it.

Meanwhile, I'm on vacation and loving it. On the agenda is wrapping up some loose ends for moving, i.e. calling the Steven's school to transfer records, taking out-grown clothes to the clothing bank, and recycling an old computer, calling around to see who picks up furniture pieces for free. That's the sad thing, getting rid of things I've accumulated during my tenure as a homeowner. Oh, and I did my taxes, too. Getting a nice refund this year, thank you. Which rocks because I get to pay off the plasma TV before the buy now, pay later deal expires and I have to pay $500 in interest. Nice.

Anyways, the house smells of Orange Cleaner and turkey soup, and I have a dinner and a movie date. I'm wearing too much perfume, fuzzy slippers and no makeup, so I guess that means the dating honeymoon is on the cusp of over. Ha.

So I think I will be off now. I have laundry to fold and sheets to put in the wash. If all goes well, I'm gonna get lucky tonight, and nothing says, "Sex me up, hot stuff," like freshly laundered bedding.

Have fun, kiddies, and don't do anything I wouldn't do. Which based on the preceding paragraph you can take me to mean is not very much.

Ciao, bellas.

3:36 pm - 01.28.08
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